Graffiti park

Living most of my life mostly in Illinois and Missouri, most could understand why I've never seen a graffiti park before. After leaving South Congress Ave., on this cloudy Sunday afternoon, we found this park filled with all ages demographics of people taking pictures, simply exploring, and even some finishing up their own addition to the park. During 45 minutes of climbing all over the park, I found dozens of creative paintings and artwork camouflaged into years of layered graffiti.

Every artist was first a amateur.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lately, I've been looking for a way to express my creative mind. Over Christmas break, my mom had a Coolpix L820 sitting around the house that has hardly been touched. After looking more into the camera, I found out it was one great for beginners like my self and was easy to get started with. Since cameras are to expensive to buy on a whim, I jumped at the opportunity to start a hobby as a photographer. This trip was filled with tons of opportunity for practice. I blended right in with the dozens of photographers scouring the walls of the park, taking pictures of all the art work. I hope people enjoy my pictures from the graffiti park and the rest of the trip!

Art is an adventure into an unknown world, which can be explored only by those willing to take risks.
— Mark Rothko

Just in addition to the graffiti park, I found this picture on a building that was pretty dope. Some pretty intricate work to be on the side of a building, for sure.

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